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In this book, 24 scholars study the success of Continental Mabor, Adega Cooperativa de Favaios, Amob, Joalpe, Louropel, Meia Dúzia, Monsanto GeoHotel Escola, Nobrand, Primor, Riopele, Salsa, Unissima and Vieira de Castro.
In this book, 34 recognized researchers from four nationalities, teachers, technicians, entrepreneurs, associative leaders, from different academic and scientific backgrounds, from Management and Accounting to Marketing, from the Right to Geography, in fields as diverse and/or complementary as Social and tourism, or the attraction of investment, have created an essential tool.
In this book, 24 scholars study the success of the municipalities of Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Amarante, Cabeceiras de Basto, Gondomar, Lamego, Maia, Mangualde, Melgaço, Paredes, São João da Madeira and Vila do Conde.
In this book 30 scholars study the success of the companies: Leica, Ach . Brito, âme moi, Casa Grande Chocolatier, Camisaria Machado, Ferrugem, Josefinas, Livraria Lello, Mi Casa Es Tu Casa, Porminho, ROQ, Samsys and Viarco.
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